My Backstory

A Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Maveryn Hoardebreaker was born to a modest Gridanian family on the 19th Sun of the Third Umbral Moon 23 years ago. She was a little Hyur girl, bright purple eyes, dark black hair, and a nervous smile right out of the womb. She would be the first, and only child born to her parents, leaving her as just an only child. Her dad was an adventurer and would often be out of the house for long periods of time, sometimes being gone for weeks before returning for a bit. Her mother, on the other hand, worked a simple job as an assistant to Beatin over in the Carpenter's Guild across the way in New Gridania.As Maveryn grew a little older, and became a little more adventurous, her mother had to start bringing her to work to ensure she could keep an eye on her. Beatin seemed fine with this, as long as she didn't cause too much trouble, but Maveryn's mom knew how to keep her in check. One day while Maveryn was at her mom's work, she would meet eyes with a little boy, who she would later find out was named Cain. He was standing beside another woman, who Maveryn knew well as Naynaeve, a regular customer of Beatin, and through this became a good friend with Maveryn's mom as they chatted a lot. She always saw Maveryn with her mother, and decided to bring her son Cain along to see if they wanted to meet and get to know each other. Both children were nervous at first, but eventually Cain just smiled at her and offered a little handshake. Maveryn took it and smiled back, looking at each other's eyes.Cain and Maveryn would meet several more times in the Carpenter's Guild, and they would talk about all sorts of things that interested them. Toys, Books, Games, whatever they thought about. On one of these hangouts, Cain smiled at her and asked if she had any dreams. She seemed confused, but he continued to smile, explaining that his ultimate dream is to be someone worth remembering. He doesn't know what he's gonna do, but when he does it, everyone will know his name. Maveryn giggled at this, but eventually smiled back and explained that she adored that passion, but would say her goal is similar but smaller, as she just wants to feel important. She doesn't have to make a huge impact on the world, but at least be a positive name that her friends and such can discuss.As time went on, the two of them grew a strong bond that would lead to the two families visiting each other outside of work, having dinner together sometimes, Cain and Maveryn hanging out outside or visiting different places, just your average childhood friendship which they enjoyed for several years.. right around the time they were both 17 years old.

Maveryn decided to head over to Cain's house one night, and found him sitting on the porch, lost in thought as he twirled around a mysterious liquid in his hand. He stumbled back to reality as he heard Maveryn call to him, and apologized for now seeing her show up. She asked him what was wrong, and he was not shy about opening up to her, mentioning lots of problems that has been creeping up on him, but he thinks he found a solution, but is scared to try it. He holds the drink up to her, and she's able to make out the name on the label; Fantasia. He explained that most people weren't approving of the item, as no one could fully explain how it worked, but he heard from several places that if you could envision a better you, then it would help you achieve it. Cain looked tempted to drink it then and there, but his mother called him in for dinner, so Cain gave Maveryn a hug goodbye, and went inside the house.A few days passed since that moment, and Maveryn's interest in that liquid continued to grow. She decided to visit some of the lesser talked about locations around town, and listened to the murmurs as people talked about the mysterious beverage. Cain definitely seemed correct when he said it seemed like no one truly knew how it worked, as some cited magic, others cited divine intervention, and a small group claim that it's all just smoke and mirrors and they don't actually do anything. Maveryn knew at that time that it was either now or never, and decided to speak up to one of the groups claiming to know a way or two about getting the drink. After a short discussion, Maveryn made a payment using a good chunk of Gil she had saved doing small chores around the neighborhood, and was told to be on the lookout for the Postmoogle over the next several days.The Fantasia arrived a few short days later, and she couldn't stop looking at the drink as she remembered Cain' words. Does she truly know what a better her would look like? She was a 6' Tall Highlander girl with long black hair, bright purple eyes, a small chest, and a large frame. She was used to being ridiculed for her size and shape by kids growing up, and now she had a chance to change that, to become something worth being proud of... but what would that be? She was interrupted as her parents called her downstairs as they were heading to Cain's house for dinner, and in a heat of the moment decision, with her head full of unanswered questions and thoughts, she cracked open the Fantasia and downed the phial.The Hoardebreakers arrived at the Order residence, and knocked on the door to let them know they were there. What greeted them however was not the Hyur Teenager that they had watched growing up, but a Miqo'te with very similar features. Maveryn and her parents all stood there frozen in confusion before the door opened wider and Naynaeve stood behind the catboy. Maveryn's mother asked about the boy and if it was a new friend of Cain's, but were stopped dead when Naynaeve just laughed and told them that they were looking at Cain himself. Maveryn looked past the Catboy and Cat Mom before seeing what she thought she'd see... an empty phial. Before Maveryn could speak at all, Maveryns father took her by the wrist and her parents ran back to their car, throwing her back in before driving off in fear, no more words being said.Once the Hoardebreaker's arrived home, Maveryn's parents warned her not to see Cain or his family again, at least not for a while. They brought up their past and how they've seen black magic not only ruin the lives of families, but then spread to others and ruin them as well. Maveryn opened her mouth to try to explain what she knew, but thought better about it and just nodded instead. Maveryn was suddenly overcome with fatigue, and decided to just go to bed early that night, and see what tomorrow had in store for her.

Maveryn woke up the next day, feeling strange in many ways. Her blanket seems much bigger around her, her head took up less pillow, and she felt like she was laying on something. Maveryn tore the blanket away, only to be shocked by what she saw. Where used to be her 6' tall body, now lay a much smaller body, probably closer to 5' 4", and much less toned than she remembered. She was in for more of a surprise when she lifted herself from the bed to find the thing she was laying on.... was a tail! She immediately checked her head and no longer felt ears at her sides, but rather feline ears at the top of her head. Maveryn sat up on her bed, when she finally remembered drinking the Fantasia before leaving the house last night. She had no clear thoughts about what a better her would be, but the newly Miqote'ed Cain was all over her mind, and it looks like it took effect on her. Maveryn scrambled to put on some clothes that would fit her much smaller frame before quickly heading to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Once she saw her reflection, nothing could be denied anymore. She saw the clan marks on her face, the ears on her head, her eyes looking more feline than human, she was definitely a Miqo'te now.Maveryn left the bathroom, still lost in these thoughts, when she bumped into her mother, who looked very bewildered by a Miqo'te in her house. She asked the Miqo if she was a friend of Maveryns, to which Maveryn could only reply with a very faint "Mom, it's me." There was dead silence for a few seconds before her mother finally backed away slowly, scrambling to get back into the master bedroom. Maveryn took a big breath before following her in there, now met by the gaze of both her parents, who looked on in shock. Maveryn attempted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by her father who, with tears flowing, asked the Heavens why this could happen to them, to their only daughter.With tears in their eyes, Maveryn couldn't believe what came next as her father took her hand, and slowly walked her to the front door, as her mother slowly walked into her room, a giant trash bag in her hands as she started fitting what she could that she knew Maveryn cared about in it, before meeting them at the front door. Her father opened the door and pushed her outside of it, with her mother taking the trash bag and putting it in Maveryn' hand as she turned around, looking at them in confusion and disbelief. Her parents simply apologized, stating this was for the better of everyone, before closing the door on her and locking it.Maveryn couldn't believe what just transpired. She was still taking in the changes that she just woke up to in herself, but now she's outside of her home, with nothing but a bag of her belongings and parents who care more about their personal beliefs than their own daughter. Overcome by everything that happened, Maveryn ran. She took up her bag, and just ran, ran as far into the Black Shroud as she could, until eventually she couldn't run anymore, and tripped and fell to the ground. Maveryn laid there, perfectly ready to just accept whatever may come her way, when she was greeted by quite the surprise."You look distraught young lady." The voice said, holding out their hand towards Maveryn, "Come, tell me what's on your mind." Maveryn took the hand, and was brought to her feet, where she was now eye-to-eye with the Elder Seedseer herself Kan-E-Senna. Maveryn apparently collapsed not far from the Hawthorne Hut in the East Shroud, so Kan-E helped her to the Hut, where she could sit down, and she had some food and drink brought to Maveryn as well.Maveryn, through tears in her eyes, explained the last 24 hours to Kan-E-Senna, expecting her to be appalled by everything, including her usage of Fantasia, but Kan-E was instead very attentive and caring. Kan-E told Maveryn that what happened was terrible, and while she can't approve of using a Fantasia, it definitely shouldn't have led to this. Kan-E then asked her a couple questions about her personal interests and goals, and just seemed impressed by what she was hearing. Kan-E then brought Maveryn back to Gridania with her, where she showed her to the Twin Adders station. Maveryn had explained that she had interest in learning the ways of the Sword and Shield, but that was before the Fantasia made her much smaller, but she'd still be willing to try and learn. The Adders gladly accepted her in, and found a Barrack for her to call a home for now, giving her a place to stay while she got everything situated.Maveryn slowly began to unpack her belongings from her Trash Bag, slowly finding out what she was allowed to keep, when she heard a knock on her barracks door. She quietly answered it and was greeted by an Au Ra man, who gave her a warm hello and asked if they could talk. Maveryn seemed confused, but nodded and the two of them took a seat. The man told Maveryn that his name was Maverick, and he couldn't help but overhear her situation, and wanted to get to know her better. Maverick explained he had been there for a few years as he also was suddenly disowned by his parents at a young age after they chose their beliefs over their child. Maverick also took a fascination to the Sword and Shield life of being a Paladin, and had been training since he arrived. The two of them conversed for what ended up being a few hours, both impressed with each other, until eventually Maveryn agreed to learn from Maverick, essentially letting him be a Mentor to her Pupil as she slowly tried to bring some control to her life.Maveryn would spend the next few years living with the Adders, learning more control through the help of some soldiers, as well as the ways of the Paladin from Maverick. She also became brave enough to venture out a bit, visiting Limsa Lominsa when she heard about the Culinarian's Guild. She always had a passion for cooking and baking, and wanted to talk to them about joining and learning what they had to know. They were happy to give her a test, and she put her baking skills to work, blowing away the Guildmaster with a delicious Pixieberry Cheesecake from scratch that the guild couldn't get enough of. Things were starting to look up, until suddenly one day, Maverick was nowhere to be seen.Maveryn at this point had saved up enough Gil to secure her own apartment in the Lavender Beds, but still kept up with the Adders for more training and mental health work. When she stopped by at the usual time she'd meet up with Maverick, he was nowhere to be seen. Maveryn talked to the Serpentmaster who handed her a note that was left for them, and she recognized Maverick's handwriting immediately. He informed them that he was thankful for everything they did for him, and especially for Maveryn, who helped not only fuel a passion inside him, but helped him see that there's more to life than the dark spots in our past. He packed up his stuff and quietly left for Ul'Dah, wanting to start fresh and see what kind of life he could live, what kind of person he could be. Maveryn was saddened at first, but once she finished reading the note, she felt something inside her burning as well. She had several thoughts about moving on on her own once she felt ready, and seeing Maverick do it so seamlessly just felt empowering for her. She thanked the Serpentmaster and went on her way back to her Apartment, ready to see what kind of adventure would await her.